Top 10 Website Failures

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  • Top 10 Website Failures

Why is mobile important?

  • Two-thirds of people in the US are using smart phones to find services on the web
  • People are 30 times more likely to use google to find you than any other method
  • In 2013 mobile searches exceeded those done from a desktop computer
  • Desktop versions of site on a mobile device are hard to navigate and read
  • On April 21st of this year Mobilegeddon began. Google now requires sites to be mobile friendly to have a high rank.

Test your site to see how mobile friendly you are.

Facts about converting to mobile

  • Chances are your existing site can be changed to a mobile framework
  • Only HTML and CSS changes need to be made
  • You can keep your existing design, in most cases
  • For simpler sites we can convert it in one business day

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Call 426-6519 x114 for more information or if you have questions